(ex)Linux.com Staff Registration

Did you used to be a member of the Linux.com or a contributor to the site? If so, fill out this form and we'll add you to the staff list.

Full Name*:
Nickname/IRC Handle:
(if you used one)
Email Address*:
Okay to publish your email address?:
Nice if people can reach you ;-)
Website URL:
shameless promotion
What 'position' did you have on the site?*:
Eg. 'Hardware articles author', 'Keeper of the goats', etc
Whereabouts (geographically) are you now?:
If you had articles published on the site, list the names you were credited under:
Use the credit search tool to work this out. eg "A Smith", "Andrew Smith", "Barney"
Finally, some sort of comment/bio/note would be nice:
Your chance to wax nostaglic and promote whatever you're doing now; I'm sure you can think of *something* to say ;-)
HTML is okay to use here if you want to drop in a link or two.
Finally, finally, space for a private footnote to Gareth:
Feel free to leave this blank - It won't end up on the site ;-)
- If all looks good you'll be on the staff list in a day or two.